07 4922 1269

Rockhampton funeral home – about Finlayson & McKenzie Funeral Directors

Rockhampton Funeral Homes

The history of the Rockhampton funeral home/firm of funeral directors, Finlayson & McKenzie, goes back to 1885. In fact, it could have been the original mortuary in the city. The office at 56 William Street bears the date of founding and has remained in the same location since the beginning. Since then, the firm established branches in Yeppoon and Mount Morgan.

Finlayson & McKenzie prides itself on professionalism and attention to detail. It’s the small touches that make a big difference. We adhere to the Quality Standards and Code of Ethics of the Australian Funeral Directors Association.

Finlayson & McKenzie Funeral Home

Finlayson & McKenzie Funeral Directors has been helping Central Queensland families in their time of need for more than 130 years, being proud members of AFDA for 40 years. Grant Perry (manager) was also a previous President of the Australian Funeral Directors Association – making us more than qualified to meet all your funeral needs.

Our long history in the industry has helped Finlayson & McKenzie build a strong reputation within Rockhampton and surrounding areas. We have the latest fully equipped and only private licensed mortuary in the region, erected in 1991. We also employ the only fully qualified embalmer in Rockhampton.

Grant is a member of the Australian Institute of Embalming, the British Institute of Embalming and the Kenyon International Disaster Response Team. The business has been involved in international affairs. After the Tsunami of 2005, Grant was phoned by Kenyon International to do a consignment to Phuket, Thailand, to assist in the embalming and repatriation of deceased to their home countries.

Finlayson & McKenzie were honoured to be asked to assist at such a devastating time and were happy to have the qualified staff to help. Our funeral directors are experienced and qualified in all aspects of the funeral industry.

Grant attends AFDA conferences every year where educational sessions and ongoing training is provided. Grant attends the Australian Institute of Embalmers Seminars. In other words, educational learning update sessions. The information and literature that is extracted from these sessions is used in compulsory internal staff training at Finlayson & McKenzie.

For professional and helpful advice, call Finlayson & McKenzie on 07 4922 1269.


Yeppoon – Emu Park Funeral Services

Yeppoon & Emu Park FuneralsOur new Yeppoon – Emu Park office is located at Shop 3/2 James Street, Yeppoon
Call our compassionate staff at Yeppoon – Emu Park Funerals on 07 4939 4055.