Funeral Planning Rockhampton
Planning your funeral service
At Finlayson & McKenzie Funeral Directors funeral planning, we offer you the option of pre-planning and pre-paying for your cremation or burial. A pre-paid burial or cremation plan makes it possible for you to arrange the service you want. Making some informed decisions now will save your loved ones a lot of emotional struggle should the worst happen.
When pre-planning, you will be able to choose:
- Which cemetery or crematorium
- The type & style of coffin or casket
- The type & style of funeral services
- Whether you’d prefer burial or cremation
- The type of death notices, funeral vehicles & flowers
- Special features in the service such as a poem or piece of music
Contact us today to schedule an appointment to come in and discuss your options.
Our caring team is here to help you make decisions today that will benefit your family later.
For more information, visit our Frequently Asked Questions page >
Ease the burnden
Finlayson & McKenzie has appointed Foresters Financial to carry out the administration of your Funeral Funds.
Foresters Financial is a leading funeral industry fund manager providing exceptional customer service with approximately $340 million in total funds under management, serving 77,000 members.
Contact us today to schedule an appointment to come in and discuss your options.